Selincro (Nalmefene)



* Our best price : $ 149.90

Selincro (Nalmefene) is indicated for the treatment of alcohol dependence. Its mechanism of action is decreasing the desire to drink alcohol, thereby helping to lower alcohol consumption.

Please be aware that the information on the packaging for this product is written in German, and not in English.

Brand Name : Selincro
Active Ingredients : Nalmefene
Manufacturer : Lundbeck
Country of Origin : Germany
Intended Patient : Unisex
Selincro (Nalmefene) - 18mg (14 Tablets) Selincro (Nalmefene) - 18mg (14 Tablets) Selincro (Nalmefene)
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Selincro (Nalmefene) is indicated for the treatment of alcohol dependence. Its mechanism of action is decreasing the desire to drink alcohol, thereby helping to lower alcohol consumption. Alcoholism is serious, and carries many health risks. Excess consumption of alcohol can have a toxic effect on many organs in the body, and may also lead to other diseases. Patients find it particularly difficult to resist drinking, even though the consequences are quite harmful.

Treatment with this medicine differs to other forms of treatment in that the aim is not total abstinence, but the reduction and control of alcohol intake. It is used alongside support therapy in patients who do not need detoxification immediately. This medicine`s mode of action involves inhibiting the brain`s reward pathway (which is responsible for causing the cravings for alcohol). When the patient drinks alcohol after taking this medicine, the result is that the feelings of pleasure or reward that normally occur after drinking are not produced anymore. Other uses for this medicine have also been studied, including the treatment of gambling addiction.

Dosage and Administration

Selincro (Nalmefene) tablets are taken by mouth. However, before treatment can start, your physician will conduct an initial examination, after which you will be required to take a note of your alcohol consumption for roughly 2 weeks. If your are considered to have a high drinking risk, the physician will recommend treatment with this medicine. The tablets are administered on an as needed basis. Your physician will direct you to take one tablet on days when you feel the desire to consume alcohol. It is generally administered 1 to 2 hours before the time at which you expect to commence drinking. Do not take more than 1 tablet per day.

Side effects

Treatment with Selincro (Nalmefene) could cause side effects in some patients. You must tell your physician if this happens. Examples include:

  • Tiredness
  • Dizzy feeling
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Decrease in appetite
  • Reduced sexual desire

Patients should note that other side effects are also possible. Should you suffer from hallucinations, perspiring excessively, spasms which affect the muscles or any other severe reactions that have not been referenced here, see your physician straight away.


During treatment with Selincro (Nalmefene) tablets, your physician will schedule regular appointments to monitor your progress. A reduction in alcohol consumption should occur within one month of starting treatment. The duration of treatment will be dependent on how well it works.

If you become drowsy or sleepy after administering the medicine, it is important that you do not drive or operate any dangerous machinery.

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