
What you should not eat with herpes: a list of foods that trigger exacerbation

Herpes is a common viral infection that can cause not only discomfort and painful sores but also negatively impact the overall condition of the body. In addition to medications (Acivir, Acivir Cream), nutrition plays an important role in supporting the immune system and aiding in the fight against the virus. Certain products and ingredients should be avoided as they can exacerbate symptoms and slow down the healing process. Let’s take a detailed look at 3 groups of harmful foods.

  1. Spicy products and spices.

Spicy and seasoned dishes can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and exacerbate existing sores. Additionally, some spices, such as pepper, have anti-inflammatory properties and may hinder herpes healing. Irritation of the stomach walls can trigger a recurrence of the disease, adding gastritis exacerbation to herpes. Also, at the time of illness, such products may become an additional source of nutrition for pathogens.

It’s important to remember that any spice can also cause an allergic reaction. Allergy to spices is most commonly cross-reactive with pollen allergies as spices are plant components. Among spices, curry, pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cumin, and coriander can cause allergies.

  1. Fried foods and fast food.

Products that have undergone less than optimal thermal processing contain high levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). These molecules occur as a result of protein oxidation. They are formed when the cooking method involves frying in deep fat, using fatty and low-grade oils, and smoking. All these products intensify inflammatory processes in the body during herpes. In this case, it is recommended preferring other cooking methods like: boiling, steaming, baking.

  1. Wheat flour.

This type of flour is used in fresh and sweet pastries, white bread, and yeast loaf. When making these products, yeast and refined flour are usually used, which contain few beneficial substances. Yeast can generally be called a “virus activator” because they increase cell permeability, that makes it much easier for viruses to enter them. During herpes, such products complicate the course of the disease and wound healing. During illness, it is recommended to use whole grain flour, grains, and cereals that maintain a balance of vitamins and minerals to restore the body. Whole grain flour is rich in antioxidants, which protect the body’s cells from damage by free radicals and strengthen the immune system, which is very important during herpes.

The minimum treatment period is 5-6 days. During this time, it is better to exclude the above-mentioned products from the menu. Drink more milk, eat yogurts, and fish that contain lysine. This compound will help the body fight the disease.