
Useful and harmful foods for patients with heart failure

Let’s consider 3 especially useful foods for people with heart failure:

  1. Herbs.

All herbs contain essential oils that improve the condition of our body in various ways. They are especially beneficial for patients with heart failure because of their health benefits.

Peppermint can be added to the diet to nourish the heart muscle. This herb has long been a great helper in healing the heart muscle. This effect of this mint is due to its composition – a large number of essential oils that serve to normalize the condition of cardiac neurosis and neurotic manifestations. It also contains vitamins and minerals that help nourish the heart muscle in stressful situations. The main component is menthol, which has an analgesic, antispasmodic effect and helps to dilate the coronary vessels of the heart. Dried mint can be used as a seasoning for various dishes.

Parsnip root is also useful in heart failure. Its vitamin composition is quite large, it includes a variety of vitamins, carotene, macro-and micronutrients, a large number of proteins and carbohydrates, fats and fiber, organic acids and essential oil. Pasternak root has antispasmodic and tonic effect.

  1. Flaxseed oil.

Anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial for the health of our heart and blood vessels. Various other types of fatty acids found in flaxseed oil that affect the heart include linoleic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid and palmitic acid. High-quality vegetable oils should be an integral part of a heart failure diet.

  1. Fennel.

Vitamin E, contained in fennel, protects blood vessels. Fennel is also one of the foods rich in potassium, especially useful in heart failure. Potassium-rich foods are especially important in heart failure, as its deficiency can lead to dangerous cardiac arrhythmias.

Also, let’s consider 3 particularly harmful foods for people with heart failure:

  1. Salt

In heart failure, no more than 5 grams of salt is allowed. Salt retains water and reduces the excretion of water by the kidneys, which contributes to poor blood flow. Too much salt contributes to the development of edema and other diseases.

  1. Sugar.

Sugar is sweet, tasty, but it also contributes to tooth decay, obesity and diabetes. All these diseases negatively affect the heart and body. Sugar, like salt, retains water in the body, which is bad for the heart.

  1. Bread with cheese and sausage.

This type of breakfast is very harmful in heart failure. These sandwiches contain a lot of salt and harmful additives. If you eat white flour bread, it contributes to the development of obesity, which should be avoided in the presence of heart failure.

Sausages and bacon often contain a lot of harmful fat and poor-quality meat. Manufacturers of animal sausages use animal fat, starch, soy, gelatin and flavor enhancers. Real meat is found there in a small percentage. Such components increase the risk of stomach and heart disease.

If you are diagnosed with heart failure, you need to change your lifestyle and, start taking medication (such as Aquazide, Burinex). Lack of timely and quality treatment can lead to rapid exacerbation of the pathology.