
Sports and hypertension: what exercises will help to overcome high blood pressure?

It is difficult to answer unequivocally whether it is possible to do sports for people with hypertension. This is due to many problems that cause high blood pressure. Among them are the following:

  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • overweight;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • stress;
  • smoking and alcohol consumption.

If hypertension is a consequence of heart disease, then you can start doing fitness only after the doctor allows. In all other cases, exercise combined with diet will be the main solution to the problem of high blood pressure. For example, when you lose extra pounds, the pressure can automatically return to normal.

In order not to worsen your health, during exercise it is important to avoid loads that contribute to a sharp increase in blood pressure. Here are some of them:

  • squats with weight;
  • training with abrupt changes in intensity. These are interval running, crossfit, step aerobics;
  • static loads, ie exercises in which a person is in a certain position for a long time. Powerful Ashtanga yoga is contraindicated in high blood pressure. You can do a simple hatha yoga asana if you will change positions quickly enough. You can do a simple hatha yoga asana.
  • exercises during which you need to be upside down – on a bench with a negative slope or hanging.

When exercising, do not choose exercises with barbells and dumbbells. Preference should be given to exercise equipment that provides stability of body position, such as exercise machines for stretching or bending the legs. It is necessary to set the lowest load at the initial stage. Between exercises, you first need to rest for a long time – from 5 to 10 minutes, so that the pulse had time to normalize. When doing cardio, walk at a fast pace, but do not run. Drink water in small sips throughout the workout. When you sweat, water is “removed” from the blood, making it more viscous. As a result, the heart begins to suffer from increased stress, which leads to increased blood pressure.

At the initial stage, training should be easy in both intensity and duration. You should start with 20 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of training to 40 minutes. You can exercise 4-5 times a week.

Be sure to monitor your condition throughout your workout. It is desirable that fitness club have a medical office with a tonometer and the necessary medication. Otherwise, you must bring a blood pressure monitor and medication.

Blood pressure should be measured at the beginning and end of the workout, as well as when there are secondary signs of high blood pressure, such as redness of the face and neck, and if the pulse and respiration do not return to normal for more than 10 minutes.

Initially, the heart rate should not increase by more than 20 beats per minute compared to rest. Ideally, have a wrist tonometer with you, which will immediately signal a sharp change in blood pressure. In this situation, you need to stop training and consult a specialist or take medication yourself.

In order for blood pressure to be normal, certain dietary restrictions should be followed. First, you need to exclude:

  • fried and smoked dishes;
  • products with high salt content (the amount of salt per day should not exceed 6 grams);
  • animal fats (lard, butter), which should be replaced by healthy vegetable fats (unrefined vegetable oils, nuts, avocados).