Parkinson's disease

How to take medicines for Parkinson’s disease?

  1. Take medications with light snacks, not during main meals.

Dopaminergic agents should not be taken with high-fat and high-protein food. Amino acids and peptides compete with medicines when crossing the blood-brain barrier, and consuming large amounts of food can dilute stomach acid and disrupt the process of assimilation of drugs. If you eat a large steak with dopaminergic medications, the drugs will be absorbed less effectively than they are taken with a light snack with low protein.

Protein is crucial because it aids in wound healing, tissue repair and balance blood sugar. Maybe, you should consult a naturopath, dietitian or nutritionist to develop a plan and optimize your nutrition, enhancing your ability to absorb medications.

  1. Consume B-group vitamins for dopaminergic medication intake.

The human body needs cofactors, for example, vitamin B6, choline, zinc and vitamin B12 to maintain metabolism and absorption of dopaminergic medicines. Deficiency in these vitamins and minerals can reduce the effectiveness of dopaminergic medications.

Most excellent sources of B vitamins, such as bananas and meat, usually contain high amounts of protein. People with this condition are likely to suffer from such a deficiency if they follow a low-protein diet.

If you have problems with swallowing, the best variant for you will be sublingual vitamin B12 or liquid multivitamins. Studies show that restoration of vitamin B12 and folate level minimizes side effects when taking medications with L-dopa and providing long-term protection tissues of nervous and cardiovascular systems.

  1. Drink adequate amount of water and electrolytes to avoid orthostatic hypotension.

One of the side effects of dopaminergic medications is dizziness. All these increase the risk of falls during walking. To reduce the risk of orthostatic hypotension with dopaminergic medications, consume sufficient fluids. Together, these factors help maintain blood pressure at normal levels.

Overall, a diet that includes adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, diverse proteins and water, with reduced sugar is more beneficial for individuals with neurodegenerative disorders. Protecting nerve fibers and cell membranes is crucial for enhancing the health of people with this condition, and to achieve this, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • provide our cells with everything needed for normal function (vitamins and minerals);
  • reduce ingredients that damage cells due to inflammation, toxicity, and improper signal transmission (inflammatory fat, processed sugar, and excessive calories).

But the main rule is to follow all doctor’s recommendations and take medicines regularly (Apo-Ropinirole, Benztrop).