
How skipping breakfast can affect a person’s health

Breakfast is the first meal after a night’s sleep, and many consider it essential for starting a productive day. However, in recent years, the question has become popular: is it really necessary to have breakfast every morning? Some people believe that skipping breakfast promotes weight loss, while others think it’s important not to skip this meal in order to stay productive. Let’s take a look at the potential effects on your body if you skip your first meal regularly of the day:

  • Increased risk of obesity.

When you skip one of your main meals, your organism is left without energy for several hours, which leads to a slower metabolism. As a result, when food enters the stomach later, the body tries to compensate for the energy by storing more calories from subsequent meals. This can lead to overeating or choosing more calorie-dense and less healthy foods, increasing the risk of weight gain. In addition, starting the day on an empty stomach can also reduce serotonin, the hormone responsible for feeling full and happy, which can make you feel a constant need for food, especially sweets or fatty foods.

  • Worsened concentration.

After the night, your body needs more energy for your brain to work more efficiently, and healthy food is the main source of this energy. Therefore, when you wake up and don’t eat anything, the glucose level in your blood, which fuels the brain, drops, which can lead to poor attention and difficulties focusing on tasks. Without proper support in the morning, your brain cannot quickly wake up and solve complex life challenges. As a result, you may frequently become distracted and find it much harder to focus on important matters. This not only affects work productivity but may also increase stress and feelings of anxiety, as the body feels a lack of energy to complete usual tasks.

  • Worsened mood.

When you wake up in the morning and immediately rush about your business and decide not to eat in the morning, your blood glucose levels drop. This leads to a lack of energy and negatively affects the production of hormones responsible for a good mood. As a result, you may feel irritable, anxious, or even depressed. A drop in blood sugar can also cause physical symptoms like headaches or dizziness, further worsening your overall emotional state. In this state, you will not be able to work effectively and may struggle to maintain a positive mood throughout the day.

  • Decreased ability for physical activity.

After a night’s sleep, the body is in a recovery state and needs energy to maintain activity. Without enough energy, you will feel sluggish, your movements will feel heavy, and your concentration during workouts will also suffer. This can lead to not performing exercises at full strength, or even a decrease in motivation for physical activity. In the long term, regularly skipping your morning meal can significantly limit your fitness goals and affect your overall fitness level.

  • Worsening of gastritis and ulcers.

When you don’t eat in the morning, the stomach continues to produce gastric acid, which, without food, can start irritating its walls. This creates favorable conditions for inflammation and worsens the symptoms of gastritis and stomach ulcers. Skipping breakfast can be especially dangerous if you have a stomach ulcer. Since gastric acid can damage already weakened areas of the stomach lining, causing pain and even complications if the ulcer progresses. Additionally, skipping the morning meal can reduce the effectiveness of medications you take to treat these conditions, further complicating the situation. Therefore, it’s important to start your day with a light yet nutritious breakfast to protect your stomach from excessive stress and avoid worsening your condition. Additionally, don’t forget to regularly take the medications (such as Protecadin OD, Arrow-Ranitidine) prescribed by your doctor for gastritis or ulcers. Since disrupting the schedule for taking such medications can significantly complicate the treatment process.

As you can see, skipping breakfast can have significant consequences for your body, especially if you do so over the long term. Therefore, it is better, if possible, not to skip breakfast and choose healthy foods for its preparation.