The nervous system is the same part of the body as the cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive and others. Nervousness and anxiety inevitably lower the local immunity of various organs, this confirmed by many psychosomatic studies. Vaginal …
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How do organs suffer from obesity?
Vessels and heart. With a high body fat content, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases. Fat has hormonal activity and secretes substances that have a negative effect on blood pressure. This leads to …
Continue readingHow to diagnose osteoporosis in time and prevent fractures?
Osteoporosis is in fourth place among all non-communicable pathologies (after diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer and diabetes mellitus), which are the cause of death and disability of the population. Misfortune can happen even in …
Continue readingNine recommendations to help keep women’s health
The number of factors affecting a woman’s well-being is very large: from heredity to the state of the environment. Let us consider the main recommendations on how to maintain women’s health. Get regular preventive medical …
Continue readingWhat you need in order to be beautiful
Everyone puts their own meaning into the word “beauty”. Some people like thin, blond, light-eyed girls with long hair, someone like black-haired girls with short haircuts, and burning character. Someone doesn’t like tall ones and …
Continue readingWarning! Dangerous cosmetics!
In the modern world, most women and a large number of men use certain cosmetics almost every day. Accordingly, the components of cosmetics have a great contribution to the appearance and health of man. Some …
Continue readingThe most common myths about face masks
Of course, every woman wants to be attractive to her man and incredibly beautiful for her friends. Each of the fair sex does everything so that her beauty does not fade. To do this, they …
Continue readingAldosterone antagonists as a type of potassium-sparing diuretics
Potassium-sparing diuretics are one of the most commonly used drugs for heart, kidney and liver diseases, which are accompanied by edema. The mechanism of action potassium-sparing diuretics. The mechanism of action is quite difficult to …
Continue readingFemale infertility
Female infertility is a pathological condition, which manifests itself in the inability to become pregnant. Such a problem may be related to anatomical defects, the female immune system, hormonal imbalance, and other negative factors. In …
Continue readingClimax
The climax is a time period when the characteristic age-related changes in the body of a woman lead to the extinction of her sexual system. The production of estrogens (the female sex hormones) is reduced …
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