Basil. Basil helps to support liver function, which is key to the normal metabolism of this hormone and the elimination of excess amounts from the body. Additionally, this aromatic herb has stress-reducing properties, which can …
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4 common myths about fibromyalgia
Myth 1: You cannot practice yoga or do stretching exercises. This myth is widespread, but it is completely untrue. In reality, yoga and stretching can be extremely beneficial for people with fibromyalgia, provided they are …
Continue readingWhy winter exacerbates symptoms of thrush: 4 the most common reasons
Hypothermia of the body. Cold weather can affect the hormonal balance, increasing blood sugar levels, which creates favorable conditions for fungal infections. Moreover, the damp and warm clothing you wear in winter can create ideal …
Continue readingAbout pathologies and nuances of pregnancy
Pregnancy (P.) is a special condition for a woman. There is new life in her body, the baby is growing and developing. But the course of pregnancy can be accompanied by certain problems. Abundant vaginal …
Continue readingAilments during pregnancy
Pregnancy can be called a great miracle, because the birth and appearance of a new life is exciting. But these joyful months also have negative sides. While waiting for a child, certain ailments and health …
Continue readingThe condition of a woman during pregnancy
When a woman learns that she is pregnant, she feels mixed feelings of joy and perhaps surprise, because it does not always turn out that the pregnancy was planned. But in 9 months of pregnancy, …
Continue readingSupplements. Are they necessary or not?
Recently, both in social networks and on bigboards, there are a lot of advertisements for vitamin supplements, which are apparently necessary for every person. These supplements are bought without a prescription in pharmacies and are …
Continue readingWhat your hair will tell you
Many girls, women and even men want to have healthy and beautiful hair every day. But sometimes, instead of pride, it brings anxiety. Do you know how many hairs a person has on his head? …
Continue readingTea or coffee? What is more useful for health?
Nowadays, tea and coffee are the most common drinks bought and sold all over the world. In every city there are many coffee shops, cafes and restaurants, which have a diverse assortment of both tea …
Continue readingThe importance of nutrition for people with cancer
What determines the body’s susceptibility to cancer – genetics or nutrition? One of the most interesting concepts of modern nutrition science – nutrigenomics – was formed on the basis of the complex influence of both …
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