In autumn, nature gives us a lot of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, in the fall we need to eat healthy foods that will increase our immunity before winter. Pumpkin. …
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5 Foods for Gastrointestinal Health and Prevention of Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
For the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is useful to follow the basic principles of proper nutrition, as well as to diversify the diet with food from the proposed list. Such foods help …
Continue reading4 myths about Crohn’s disease
It is difficult to diagnose. It is difficult to diagnose Crohn’s disease due to its symptoms and very different manifestations. This disease can be confused with irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and in the acute …
Continue reading5 rules for the prevention of inflammatory bowel disease
Fill your bowels in the morning. In the morning, the intestines need to be filled and prepared for a new working day. To do this, be sure to drink a glass of clean water when …
Continue readingFeatures of nutrition in hyperacidity
The body needs gastric juice to digest food. In a person with a healthy stomach, the level of hydrochloric acid does not exceed 0.5%. However, if the stomach does not function properly, the acidity level …
Continue reading8 rules for the prevention of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Add variety to your diet. Poor nutrition is the cause of many troubles, including those related to the intestines and stomach. The more varied your diet, the more diverse your microbiome, which is an indicator …
Continue reading10 foods you can eat if you have Crohn’s disease
With Crohn’s disease, proper nutrition involves a diet that does not contain junk food. The diet should be designed so that a person receives the necessary trace elements, vitamins and proteins. Food should be eaten …
Continue readingFour tips to prevent irritable bowel syndrome
Include prebiotics and probiotics in your diet. Probiotics are living microorganisms that create a complex structure – the microflora of our intestines, and are responsible for its health. They are often confused with prebiotics. Prebiotics …
Continue reading12 useful drinks for gastritis
In the case of gastritis, it is recommended to give up black tea, and prefer green tea and herbal drinks that are good for the whole body. To normalize the production of gastric juice, to …
Continue readingUseful and harmful foods in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori
Stomach discomfort, heartburn and nausea may occur after eating unhealthy foods. To prevent further development of the disease it is necessary to choose the right food. Let’s consider the list of foods that are recommended …
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