Sugar. Consumption of large amounts of sugar leads to insulin resistance. This is a condition in which cells stop responding to the hormone insulin. The presence of sugar-containing foods in the daily diet contributes to …
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What you need for good sleep – 9 important tips
It is known that good sleep brings morning vigor, good mood and even helps the body cope with illness. Conversely, lack of sleep, intermittent, restless sleep causes depression, loss of strength, reduced efficiency, leads to …
Continue reading8 tips on how to prepare for vacation for people with multiple sclerosis
Changing the situation, vivid impressions, communication with new people inspire and improve the state of mind. To make the trip comfortable and enjoyable, you should follow these recommendations. Talk to your doctor and discuss the …
Continue reading5 Ways to Maintain Your Mental Health and Prevent Bipolar Disorder
Analyze where you spend energy. Most often, energy is spent where a person does not feel pleasure and joy. Therefore, you need to analyze your life. Divide the sheet of paper into sections: family, career, …
Continue reading6 useful sports for people with multiple sclerosis
Nordic walking. Nordic walking has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and at the same time burns enough calories – from 350 to 450 calories per hour. In this sport, the right equipment is …
Continue reading7 causes that can lead to dementia
Lack of complex tasks. The brain is an organ that requires regular exercise. In the absence of problems solving, our brain loses its efficiency. Studies show that the highest brain activity is between the ages …
Continue readingEight products to prevent chronic fatigue
Avocado. This fruit helps to get rid of the constant feeling of fatigue and fills the body with energy. All thanks to an amazing combination of vitamins and minerals, thanks to which the brain works …
Continue reading13 recommendations for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
Learn the second (third, fourth) language. Learning foreign languages helps to activate the processes of thinking. Studies show that polyglots are less likely to suffer from dementia. Drink fruit and vegetable juices. These unique vitamin …
Continue readingNine ways to help loved ones who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder
Talk to loved ones. Ask questions about their health and say that you are ready to help. Speak slowly and not loudly. The main thing in the conversation is to be patient and calm. Study …
Continue readingTips for preventing Alzheimer’s disease
The causes of Alzheimer’s are still unknown; there is no effective treatment, so it is important to follow preventive measures. There are many ways to help prevent serious illness: be sure to quit smoking; limit …
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