An alarming suggestion that COVID-19 may cause hair loss has surfaced in some media. For example, the Huffington Post wrote about it with reference to a survey of 1,500 people. In those who recovered from …
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10 causes of chronic fatigue
Bad mood, irritability, lack of energy – can be manifestations of more serious causes, not just lack of sleep or lack of morning coffee. Chronic fatigue and apathy can also have a medical cause. If …
Continue readingUseful sports for chronic bronchitis: running, walking, breathing exercises
Chronic bronchitis does not develop immediately. A person first develops acute bronchitis or is genetically predisposed to developing the disease. When bronchitis becomes chronic, the walls of the bronchi change. Their functionality is greatly reduced, …
Continue readingHow Covid-19 affects people’s mental health
Mental health includes an adequate perception of reality, the ability to treat others adequately, and good self-perception and self-esteem. Mental health can be affected by many factors, among which are stressful situations. An example of …
Continue readingFeatures of doing sports with HIV
Regular exercise can normalize blood pressure and reduce the amount of so-called visceral fat. Therefore, people with HIV are encouraged to lead an active lifestyle. Regular exercise in HIV has the following benefits: Fill the …
Continue readingThe main methods of rehabilitation after pneumonia
Any pneumonia leads to lung damage and intoxication of the whole body. Depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the person, the recovery period after the disease may be different. To …
Continue readingHow to stay healthy in spring
Health is our treasure, which we must take care of. In the spring, the risk of getting sick increases significantly; this is associated with certain factors that we will talk about below. In order to …
Continue readingSeven reasons that affect sleep in HIV
Fear and anxiety. Such serious chronic diseases are often accompanied by anxious feelings, such as fear of the unknown, the risk of infecting others. A person is afraid to tell others about their HIV status. …
Continue readingThe influence of hats on the appearance of dandruff. Rules for wearing a hat
Exfoliation of the scalp and unpleasant itching are the main signs of dandruff. On the hair and shoulders you can see small white scales, which regularly spoil the hair and mood. Many people do not …
Continue readingMyths and reality about hepatitis C
It often happens that the information we hear about a certain disease is not reliable enough, which gives rise to many myths. For example, one of the most popular myths is that hepatitis C is …
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