Avoid overloading your lungs. In the presence of this disease, additional stress (for example, abdominal exercises or intense movements) can make breathing difficult and lead to an asthma attack. Rapid breathing during intense physical activity …
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How does swimming affect people with asthma?
Doctors do not recommend people with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma to engage in heavy physical activity. Contraindicated exercises on horizontal bars, obstacle course, etc. Any sports that require prolonged breath holding are strictly prohibited: …
Continue reading6 myths about bronchial asthma
Myth 1: Asthma is always associated with allergies. It’s not quite like that; asthma can develop due to various pathological processes. Many people develop asthma symptoms after a viral illness, exposure to an occupational hazard, …
Continue readingMethods of treatment of chronic diseases
With many chronic diseases, it is necessary to combine different types of treatment. For example, if you suffer from high blood pressure, then try to drink more still water (not tea, not coffee, not juices, …
Continue readingSix tips to protect against the development of COPD
Do not smoke. Smoking causes the most negative effects on the lungs. If you take care of your health, you need to forget about this habit. There are no safe doses for smoking. Any exposure …
Continue reading9 rules for the prevention of emphysema
Eat to live, not live to eat. Many studies confirm that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains improves lung function and is a good prevention of lung disease. Those who prefer …
Continue readingSummer and asthma: how to relax without health risks?
The period from April to September is a real problem for people diagnosed with bronchial asthma, because pollen is one of the most common provokers of exacerbation of this disease. Pollination of trees is active …
Continue readingThe effect of stress on the body with asthma
Stress is an integral part of modern life. The more nervous you are, the harder it becomes to breathe. Stress affects a person’s physical condition, which makes it impossible to control the course of the …
Continue reading10 foods that make breathing easier for patients with bronchial asthma
Flax seeds. Flax seeds are rich in vegetable fats, namely omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They have a beneficial effect on almost all vital processes in the body. Flaxseed is an ingredient that relaxes the …
Continue readingBronchial asthma: treatment, classification and diagnosis of asthma
Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory non-infectious disease of the respiratory tract. It is characterized by a violation of bronchial patency. It is accompanied by a spasm of smooth muscle in response to surrounding irritants. …
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