Cold hands and feet regardless of air temperature.
When a person’s hands and feet are constantly cold, even at comfortable indoor and outdoor temperatures, this can be one of the first signs of anemia. Since the body doesn’t receive enough oxygen in this condition, peripheral blood vessels constrict to maintain blood circulation in vital organs. As a result, the extremities remain cold, even if the room is warm. This symptom may be accompanied by numbness in the fingers, which further complicates the discomfort. To alleviate this unpleasant symptom, perform light exercises or massage your limbs, as it helps warm up your hands and feet quickly. But if you notice that nothing helps to overcome this unpleasant condition, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examination.
Quick fatigue from routine tasks.
If you feel a lack of energy evens after a full night’s rest, and tasks that you used to complete effortlessly are now becoming excessively exhausting, it may indicate a decrease in one of the keys bloods indicators. In this state, along with physical fatigue, emotional exhaustion can arise as well. It may become difficult to concentrate, motivation sharply declines, and each new day feels like a challenge. Additionally, this state may be accompanied by sleep disturbances: insomnia or, conversely, excessive drowsiness, where even after 10–12 hours of sleep, fatigue is still felt. It’s important to understand that this is not just laziness or a lack of desire to do something — it’s a signal that not all processes in the body are functioning properly. Therefore, if you are facing constant tiredness, indifference to usual tasks, and overall exhaustion, it’s worth consulting a specialist to identify the cause in a timely manner.
Excessive craving for sweets.
When the body faces a lack of important elements like iron, a number of physiological reactions occur that can manifest in various forms. One such symptom may be an excessive craving for sweets. This is not just a random desire — it often signals a deficiency in nutrients that supply the body’s energy needs. When iron levels are low, the body tries to compensate for the lack of energy by increasing the intake of simple carbohydrates found in sweets. However, consuming sweets may lead to a temporary boost in energy but does not solve the problem in the long term. In most cases, the person does not respond to this symptom, which may lead to the development of other diseases. Therefore, if the craving for sweets becomes constant and intense, it’s worth considering checking the iron levels in the body.
Deterioration in concentration.
When the hemoglobin level in the blood decreases, the body begins to experience an oxygen deficiency, which affects brain function. Since the brain requires an adequate amount of oxygen for normal activity, even a slight reduction can lead to difficulties with concentration. Therefore, when iron levels drop, a person may notice that it becomes hard to focus on work or studies. Tasks that were once easy to complete may now seem difficult and exhausting. In such cases, a person may perform work more slowly and, over time, may not be able to accomplish usual daily tasks. It is important to pay close attention to your well-being and respond to any deviations in order to start treatment in a timely manner.
Pale Lips.
This condition occurs when the body does not receive enough oxygen, causing pallor not only of the skin but also of mucous membranes, including the lips. This symptom is often the first noticeable sign that iron levels in the body are low. Pale lips may be accompanied by other symptoms of anemia, such as quick fatigue, weakness, dizziness, or headaches. It is important to remember that this symptom can also indicate other diseases that require urgent treatment. Therefore, it is better not to neglect your health and, if you notice pale lips, immediately go to the hospital for examination and identification of the cause. If a deficiency of certain elements in the body is confirmed, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will help properly diagnose the problem, develop a treatment plan to replenish the necessary nutrients, and prescribe the appropriate medications (such as Chela-Ferr Forte, Apo-Folic, or Gold-Vit C 1000 Forte).