Bruising on the skin.
If the liver function is impaired, the body cannot process toxins efficiently enough, and the level of proteins that support clotting decreases. As a result, even minor injuries or bumps can cause bruising on the skin. A person may notice that bruises appear for no apparent reason or after very light blows, which may indicate the onset of certain liver with problems. Such bruises can occur, for example, from a slight bump on the bed or even a light massage.
Excessive sweating.
When there are issues with liver function, hormonal imbalances can occur, which may cause excessive sweating, especially at night. Therefore, it’s important to monitor how much you sweat, as it could be a sign of the onset of certain diseases. Of course, this doesn’t mean that sweating during hot weather or while exercising is abnormal, but if excessive sweating occurs without any visible reason, it’s worth consulting a specialist.
Inability to warm up, even if the house is warm.
The liver is important for metabolic processes, so when this process is disrupted, it can make you feel cool in almost any room, even if it is quite warm. In addition, this organ is involved in the proper synthesis of hormones, and when its function is impaired, hormonal imbalances can occur, which also affect temperature control. Another cause may be a decrease in red blood cell levels due to anemia, which can occur with certain liver diseases. This leads to a reduced supply of oxygen to organs and tissues, causing a feeling of cold. If swelling, which is common with liver diseases, is also present, it further exacerbates the sensation of cold.
Frequent mood swings.
In most cases, when the functioning of one of the main organs is disturbed, a person feels that he or she cannot cope with the manifestation of his or her emotions. For example, joy can quickly be replaced by sadness, without good reason. In severe cases, when liver function is significantly impaired, neuropsychological issues may arise, particularly brain function disorders, manifesting as mood changes, aggression, anxiety, or depression. In this case, it is important to start timely treatment of such consequences in order to restore normal brain function and reduce mood swings.
Appearance of capillaries on the fingers after carrying a bag or packages.
When the liver stops functioning properly, it can lead to a deterioration in the elasticity of blood vessels. As a result, even a small load, like carrying heavy bags, can cause them to expand or rupture, which appears as visible capillaries on the skin of the fingers. Therefore, if you start noticing slight appearances of capillaries on the skin of your hands after carrying heavy packages, it is advisable to consult a specialist to identify the causes of this condition in time.
If you experience some of these symptoms for a long time, you should visit a doctor. If a physician detects certain liver diseases, you will be prescribed drug therapy, which may include, for example, such drugs as Viboliv, Aquazide, Burinex, depending on the type and stage of the disease.