immune system

5 effective tips for strengthening your immune system

  1. Do not use folk remedies without a doctor’s approval.

Consuming large amounts of garlic, onions, lemons and ginger can be a risky way to boost immunity, especially if you have certain skin conditions or gastrointestinal issues. While these foods are tasty and rich in micronutrients like potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and manganese, they should be included in your diet with caution, considering individual health conditions. There are also many herbs and natural remedies that can enhance immunity, but they should be used only under medical supervision, as some herbal supplements may harm rather than improve your immune system.

  1. Follow a balanced diet.

Strengthening the immune system is crucial for overall health and well-being. One effective way to boost immunity is through proper nutrition, as it directly affects the body’s ability to fight off harmful microorganisms. Ensure that your diet includes sufficient vitamins, micronutrients and macronutrients. Additionally, during the autumn-winter period, specialists recommend taking high-quality vitamin-mineral complexes (for example Chela-Ferr Forte) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (for example Gold Omega 3) to prevent vitamin deficiencies.

  1. Avoid emotional stress.

Learn to avoid situations that can cause anxiety and stress. In almost any situation, it is possible to remain calm or take immediate steps to mitigate the effects of emotional stress. Stress hormones can severely disrupt immune function. Learning to breathe properly during stressful situations is important. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, increases vagal tone and promotes relaxation. During stress, we tend to breathe quickly and shallowly, so it’s essential to practice slow and deep breathing. In relaxed breathing, inhale should be short while the exhalation should be prolonged. Proper and calm breathing can help reduce internal anxiety and diminish the negative impact of stress on the body.

  1. Avoid exacerbating chronic conditions.

The body functions as a whole system, so problems with one organ or system can affect overall health. Avoid exacerbating chronic conditions, whether it’s pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, asthma, or others. Proper management of chronic illnesses is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system.

  1. Consult an immunologist.

An immunologist helps with allergies, immune deficiencies and both inherited and acquired conditions associated with reduced immunity. If you frequently fall ill or have known issues with your immune system, visiting an immunologist is a wise choice. The specialist will conduct tests and prescribe treatments to help to support or restore the body’s protective functions. Before your appointment with the immunologist, you should follow these recommendations:

  • do not eat for 12 hours before the tests; you may drink plain, non-carbonated water;
  • avoid alcoholic beverages and any medications for 24 hours before the tests. If you cannot skip your medication, inform your doctor in advance.