harmful habits for your heart

4 harmful habits for your heart

  1. Sedentary lifestyle.

Currently, most people spend the majority of their day at their desks. Some people, caring about their figure and health, try to exercise in their free time. However, this alternating periods of immobility and increased activity is also harmful. It’s important to move throughout the day. This helps improve blood circulation. In reality, you can find time for exercise even while watching a movie. In the fast pace of life, it’s best to combine several activities at once, especially enjoyable ones with beneficial.

However, it’s worth considering researchers’ claims that even watching TV can be a negative factor for your health. Therefore, reducing TV viewing time will also have a positive effect on your heart.

  1. Alcohol abuse.

Alcohol contains many calories, which become an additional burden for the heart. Moreover, regular consumption of strong alcoholic beverages can lead to a sharp increase in blood pressure, disturbances in heart rhythm, vascular damage, and, as a result, myocardial infarction.

The negative impact of strong alcoholic beverages is obvious. But equally harmful for the heart are low-alcohol drinks. For example, beer contributes to varicose veins and the development of the so-called “beer heart” syndrome. As a result, the heart pumps blood poorly.

At the same time, beer alcoholism develops imperceptibly and deceitfully. If you want to have a healthy heart, avoid alcoholic beverages and rather minimize their consumption. This way, you will preserve not only cardiovascular health but also digestive and nervous system health.

  1. Improper nutrition.

One of the most harmful eating habits affecting the heart is a monotonous diet. Beneficial for the circulatory system is whole grain bread, plant-based foods rich in fiber, fatty fish, olive oil, fresh vegetables and fruit rich in antioxidants, low-fat dairy products, and fresh juice. They provide the body with a large amount of “good fats”, fiber, and nutrients. Consuming products like mayonnaise, sausages, fried food are, conversely, harmful, as these products contain a lot of cholesterol. As the result of it is deposited in the walls of arteries and leads to plaque formation. Also, if you want to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, it is advisable to consume Omega-3 and Folic Acid.

  1. To keep negative experiences inside.

Chronic stress and depression do not pass unnoticed for our nervous and cardiovascular systems. Moreover, it is difficult to be active and lead a healthy, active lifestyle when you feel depressed. Warm communication with loved ones and friends, meditation, walks in the fresh air, and in some cases, the help of a psychologist can help here.

In addition to eliminating bad habits, it is important to cultivate good habits: regularly monitor your health, undergo medical check-ups (once every 3 years), check your blood pressure levels (the lower limit of a healthy adult is 110/70 mm Hg; higher — 140/100 mm Hg). Some diseases of the digestive, endocrine, and other systems are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.